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Du möchtest einen eigenen Blog haben und hast keine eigene Website?
Dann besuche doch mal unser neustes Projekt: bl0g.net
Du möchtest einen eigenen Blog haben und hast keine eigene Website?
Dann besuche doch mal unser neustes Projekt: bl0g.net
SteinID: 57089
Dieser Stein wurde ausgelegt am 20.08.2024 in Den Haag von AnKa
I paint stones and lay them out to give other people a little joy, sometimes to inform or remind ;-)...
Please post a photo of the front of the stone and please also indicate the location where it was found. You can do this anonym and without a registration.
Then please place the stone again in a different location, or keep it.
The aim - as the name suggests - is for the stone to travel.
But it’s okay to keep a stone sometimes!
In this case, please leave a note for me.
Then thank you for finding, reading and continuing my stone´s journey!
Let´s make the world a little more colorful :-)!
Best regards
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